Revolver Webley Mk4 - Denix
Revolver Webley Mk4 - Denix
Revolver Webley Mk4 - Denix
Webley Mk4 Revolver - Denix
Webley Mk4 Revolver - Denix
Webley Mk4 Revolver - Denix
    Revolver Webley Mk4 - Denix
    Revolver Webley Mk4 - Denix
    Revolver Webley Mk4 - Denix
    Webley Mk4 Revolver - Denix
    Webley Mk4 Revolver - Denix
    Webley Mk4 Revolver - Denix

    Webley Mk4 Revolver - Denix®


    Webley Mk4 non-firing full-size replica used by the British army. This would make a great addition to any collectors or reenactors. Like all Denix Weapons, this prop replica uses metal (except for the plastic grips), contains movable parts and springs. Made by Denix®.

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